Thursday, August 25, 2011

Welcome !

I am so excited to this school year! We have a great group of kids.
Back to School Night

As sugar and flour come together to make a wonderful cookie 
creation that you bake, 
Parents and teachers join as one to create an educated 
daughter or son. 
It takes lots of love, caring and understanding, 
But an individual will emerge who is special, not withstanding. 
We will work together to help each child bloom so they can 
grow and prosper as they learn in this room. 
So I share this little confection with you, as I say I am 
committed to helping your child grow each and every day. 
Yes, the road is long, but the journey has begun, as we strive 
to educate your daughter or 
 your son. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Parents end of Year survey

I am looking for some information on how i can improve my instruction for next year. 
Would you please be willing to take time and answer a few questions for me. I value your honest opinion. Please click here.
Mrs. Steiner
It is hard to think that we only have a month left of school. We have a a few things we need to take care of before school ends for the year.
1. please sign for your students hardbound books.
2. Return jog-a-thon packet.
3. May 19th Field trip Sandy Amphitheater
4. June 6th Planetarium

Finally End of the year testing  CRTs begins next week.  Please make sure your student is getting plenty of sleep and eat breakfast.
Please make sure your Child is at school and ON TIME!!!!! This is crutial for us to have then successful complete the testing.

Practice CRT on Tuesday May 2nd
Language Arts test will be give on the computer May 9th!
Math will be the 3rd week in May!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Learn and Earn FREE Kids Books from Scholastic

I think this would be great to do!

Your child can earn up to 5 free books after completing the activity forms here: Learn and Earn FREE Kids Books from Scholastic.  The activities are intended for ages 5-6, 7-9 or 10-12.

Monday, March 21, 2011


This weekends homework is::::
1. You will make an acrostic poem
2. You will complete your acrostic poem here.
3. You will print it off an d bring it back Monday.
4. Topic : spring

Sun shining

Parents teaching kids how to ride bikes
Running and biking outside
Icecream melting
Grassing being mowed

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What I Learned at my math conference!

  I love teaching math and here are some best math practices to help alleviate math anxiety for your students. 
1. Assessment Driven  - Our math lessons should be based on what the students need. Giving a pretest before a math unit will help teachers plan differentiated activities.
2. Whole Class and Small Group Instruction - Guided math groups for reteaching, supporting and challenging students is one of the most effective ways to meet the diverse needs of our students. There should be a mix of whole class and small group instruction in our math classes. 
3. Hands-on Materials - Math is much more meaningful if students can work with manipulatives to help visualize patterns and problem solve. Toothpicks, beans, buttons, candy, crackers,  coins are just some of the many inexpensive manipulatives available.
4. Real-life Applications - As much as possible let students experience how math is used in the world around them. For example, when teaching about the value of coins, set up a store where students can actually purchase items with real money. Have students search for geometric shapes on the playground. Do addition and subtraction problems with real life situations in the classroom.
5. Have Students Communicate Math Reasoning and Ideas - Instead of telling students how to do math problems, allow them to use language to discuss what they are thinking, what they notice and what they are wondering about the math problem. This gives students a safe math environment where it is okay to  it’s okay to admit they don’t understand and it’s okay to not be correct.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mad Minute

Some classes do a "Two Minute Drill" to help reinforce math facts. Students have two minutes to solve 50 math facts. Everyone begins with +1 facts. In order to move to the next quiz, students can only miss two questions. If a student misses more than two questions on a drill, they will have the same paper the next day. As facts are mastered, students move from +1 to +2, to +3... all the way up to +10. Then we do subtraction facts, -1 through -10, followed by mixed addition facts, then mixed subtraction facts, multiplication, and division.

The purpose of the Two Minute Drill is to help students rapidly recall addition and subtraction facts. Since math facts were introduced in first grade, third grade students should not count on their fingers to solve addition or subtraction problems.

To help prepare for the Two Minute Drill, you can practice with the actual sheets we use in class. These pages can be printed and cut down the middle for two practice sheets. Addition and subtraction facts should be mastered by the end of third grade. Good luck!

January 25, 2011

Dear Class,
You are wonderful! I am please to say that I am very impressed with your ability to follow directions and do what is asked of you on the first try. You have been very patient learning Cursive. You are making LEAPS and BOUNDS in reading. Keep working hard. Hard work always pays off.
I am very proud of your behavior during the assembly today. I hope the author Erik Olsen light a fire to write. I know he did that for me.
I feel that math groups are truly helping you be successful. Please give me your feedback on this. Your Mad Minute timing were unbelievable today. Keep up the Wonderful work.
We have a new student starting tomorrow. I hope that you can just as inviting to her as you have been this past week with our two new students.
Please remember to keep working hard.
Your Teacher,
Mrs. Steiner

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I have made it a personal goal to update my blog on a weekly basis.
In math we have been working in small group setting within my classroom. I have truly appreciated all the volunteer help that we have received weekly. I could not do what I do without you parents reinforcing concepts taught at school.
Students will be accessing on a daily basis during math. This is a new process that we are learning and hoping to be very helpful with reinforcing concepts taught by me.
Students will also be using links on this blog for fluency practice.

This week we have 2 new students in class. We are excited to have them in class.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Steiner